
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Project 10 Pan : Fail

So, it's been quite a while since I've written on here and I guess it's because I've been working quite a bit and I've been really lazy.
As you know, I started P10P at the beginning on July and I remember being so excited to save money and being able to challenge myself. Unfortunately I ended up buying two Revlon Just Bitten Kissables in Halifax while I was on a layover. I knew I would be able to find them at the store Lawtons because I find that they are the only store (in Canada) that receive products the fastest. We don't have lawtons in Ontario and since I was flying to Halifax I knew I was bound to get them. So I caved and got two.
My lesson: I really don't have good self-control haha! I tried so hard not to get any makeup and I was able to do this for a month but alas my self-control died and I caved.
I am going to the Dominican Republic in November so I need to save up for that! I'm suuuuuper excited! My friends were supposed to come but the cant anymore which is a big bummer because I was so looking forward to going with them.
I am excited to be able to relax and enjoy myself with my boyfriend for a week. We've been to the DR before but we always compare things. So it'll be a great little adventure once again.