
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Much needed vacation

Hey everyone!
So this week I am leaving to go down south. I am so excited! I've been waking up super early because I'm so excited. We're leaving on Monday morning and getting to our destination at around 4pm.
With everything that has been going on with friends and such this is going to be a much needed/deserved vacation.
Our friends were supposed to come with us, now I'm not sure if its a good thing that they aren't coming but I still wish they were. It's still been a bit awkward for a while now but it seems to be getting better. It's one of my friends birthday while we will be gone and they suggested that we wait until we're back before we celebrate her birthday. That made me so happy! Where we are going will be a place where we drink and he will be there so I probably won't be drinking much.
Anyways, it doesn't matter. Ill be soaking in the nice sun, with delicious food and drinks in 48 hours and that's all I need to think about!
I can't wait!!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Review: Revlon Colorstay Foundation in Buff

Hi everyone!!!!!
So! I'm back with a review on the Revlon Colorstay Foundation. I have been meaning to write a review on this for a while but as some of you may know, I have been having issues with friends at home so I haven't had the time to write this. I have other reviews that I need to write before my vacation in a week and I will try to get on that as soon as possible!
Everything has been getting better. I have started to hang out with my friends again and it feels amazing! Last night they came over and we played board games and it was great! Tonight we are going out for Japanese food so I'm pretty excited!
Anyways, lets get to the review!
I have the Revlon Colorstay Foundation in Buff. I am very pale and this suits my skin tone pretty nicely. I know this isn't the lightest shade but I believe this is the third lightest shade.
I have dry skin all year round so I picked this up in normal/dry skin.
If you have oily/combination skin you can also pick this foundation up for that skin type.
This has AMAZING staying power! I sometimes work 13 hour shifts and this baby stays on! It doesn't budge!
I don't have awful skin and I'm very lucky so I've never been one to wear heavy foundation but after hearing so many reviews and raves on YouTube about this I just had to pick up. This makes me skin look flawless. I've never had a foundation that has made me look amazing and this does it.
The only downside I have to say about this is that it is heavy feeling (on me anyways). Also, it is a bit tough to apply because of how fast it dries so you need to move quickly. This also doesn't have a pump which bothers me quite a bit because I'm always wasting or I find I try to use it all up because I don't want to waste it and then I look cakey.
The only thing I have trouble believing is when people claim it's full coverage. I have small acne scars and this doesn't seem to hide them that well. I still need to use concealer and its not like the scars are big and red.
I love this foundation for when I am going somewhere fancy and need to look exceptionally good. I don't wear this to work because being a flight attendant I'm in recycled air all the time and I don't want to have something that is heavy blocking my pores. I want my skin to breathe.
I recommend this foundation to someone who needs and wants full coverage foundation. This does help in reducing the size of your pores and hides your black heads well.
I am very impressed with this foundation and would repurchase this, but probably the whipped version because it apparently caters more to people with dry skin.
I give this a 4/5*