
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Thursday 14 June 2012

A Flight Attendants Suitcase (packing for 3 days)

I get asked a lot of questions about my job and one of the common questions is what do I bring with me when I'm gone for multiple days. This week I'm only working for 3 days so I'm packing pretty lightly. To be honest I don't pack that much clothes unlike some other flight attendants that I know.
The necessities that I always have with me are: shampoo, body wash, and face cream. It's pretty easy to pack a suitcase. If you roll up your clothes you will have a lot more room to bring more things. I do pack capri's, pants, a shirt and a sweater at all times. Plus I have to have my uniform components at all times. With the airline I work for I have a tote bag as well which has my laptop and books.
In conclusion, it seems like people think we take different things than regular passengers when in fact we have the exact same things on us as does everyone else.

This is the inside of my suitcase. Everything is rolled up so that I can fit more things in it.

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