
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Project 10 Pan: 1 month later.

Hey everyone!
So I have been having a bit of trouble with this project. I haven't bought any makeup all month and I'm really proud of myself for doing this.
I've been using quite a few different products than what's on my list and I've decided to not buy makeup until I use up at least 10 products. It will be all makeup products but it has to be 10.
I find that focusing on just 10 products is too difficult because I've been getting bored with the same looks I've been giving myself.
I will however be repurchasing some things before the project is over, such as my mascara because I only have that one. I have a ton of eyeshadows so I definitely won't be repurchasing any before this is done.
I don't think that I'm cheating, I'm still going to finish 10 products before buying anything new. I don't want to give up on this project especially since I'm going on vacation in November and I want to save my money for the trip.
I will however try to finish up the 10 products I had listed.
Wish me luck!!! :)

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