
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Back to the gym (finally)!

Hey everyone!
I finally came back from my vacation and it was amazing! My boyfriend and I had an amazing time and I believe the trip brought us closer together after everything that has happened over the past few months.
Being on vacation and eating to my hearts content I decided to finally go back to the gym. I've been asking our friends to go and everyone says no so I decided to go back on my own.
I was afraid of going alone but I actually really like it. It feels good to be able to do things on my own and not have to compare myself to my friends. I went twice this week for two and a half hours and my body is hurting so much today. But it's a good hurt. My belly and legs hurt quite a bit and to be honest I'm surprised that I'm hurting so much because I only didn't go to the gym for a month and a half but I guess if I want to keep my body in shape I should go all the time and not skip for a month.
It feels so good to be going back since my eating habits have been getting worse since I have not been working for about a month. I've been really bored at home and I've been eating out way too much lately so this is a good thing.
I need to continue doing this for myself and I know when I drive my boyfriend to work I'll be heading to the gym right after. I wanted to go today but my body aches way too much and I need to let it rest up.
To those of you who don't want to work out or have stopped and need motivation working out is a great way to get away from the world for a bit and to de stress and think of other things. I believe that I should have gone back to the gym as soon as possible after my life flipped upside down and I know that would have helped me out with the stress but I didn't go and that is why I am in so much pain now.
Please, think of your body and your mental health and do this for yourself. You will live a healthier and happier life by going to the gym for a few hours a week.

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