
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Review: ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder

Hey everyone!
So I'm on a layover right now and I am currently doing a face mask and I was thinking to myself "what do I do while I wait for this to dry up?" and I just came up with the idea to do a review on this product.
This has got to be my new favorite product that I've rediscovered in my stash of makeup.
I had gotten this product free with something else that I bought from ELF but I believe the price is $3 Canadian for 8oz of product on the ELF website.
I got this a while ago and I had tried to use this but it seemed do dark and muddy on my pale face that I just threw this into my makeup drawer and didn't look at it again for a while.
But one day I saw one of my favorite makeup gurus Emily Eddington do a review on it and she went on and on about how much she liked it that I pulled it out of my drawer and try to use it again and now I'm in love.
The bronzer is my favorite. I like that it is easily blendable even though there is a little bit of shimmer but that doesn't get transferred to the skin so it's great for contouring.
The blush is a light pink with a hint of golden shimmer in it. I very rarely use the blush part because there is barely any pigment. I am very pale and this does not show up on skin unless I have time to put layer upon layer of blush on my skin, which I don't.
Would I buy this again? Most definitely! I would spend the 3 dollars just for the bronzer. I do have quite a bit left, I haven't hit pan yet but I've made a dent in it so I'm hopping that I get to hit pan soon.
The packaging is also very sturdy and it looks like the Nars packaging and it's very convenient to travel with which is s big plus for me.
I highly recommend this bronzer for any skin types.

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