
My blog is all about random things in my life. I love makeup so there will be a lot of makeup talk on here. I'm also a flight attendant so I will try to answer as many questions about my job as I can.

Saturday 15 December 2012

How to grow out your hair!

Hey everyone!
So I was just washing my hair and I realized that I have never done a post about growing out your hair! I have been growing mine out for about a year and a half now and trust me its been difficult!
A few years ago I had hair up to my boobs and I decided I needed a change and so I cut my hair into a bob. Wow, did I ever regret that! Especially since I was just starting to go out with my boyfriend and he was not happy with my cut.
Any who, since then I have tried over and over to grow out my hair but it just won't work! So finally I decided to take matters into my own hands and I started looking up a ton of YouTube videos and reading blogs on how to successfully grow out my hair. I am happy to say that my hair is now a little below my shoulders (yay) and I hope these little tricks and tips will help you out in growing out your hair as well.
Tips and Tricks
1. Always use heat protectant. It's SO important to do this so you can keep your ends healthy and by keeping them healthy you avoid having to cut your split ends
2. Avoid using heat products if possible. I know this is hard to do because I hate my naturally wavy hair and I used to straighten my hair all the time but now if I'm staying home or just running and getting some errands I don't do anything to my hair.
3. Use deep conditioners. I use one almost everyday instead of using conditioner and it has transformed my hair back like it used to look like.
4. Take Biotin. I just started taking 1000mg of Biotin everyday and it already feels like my hair is starting to grow. I bought A container of it at Shoppers Drug Mart for 10$ and it has 100 pills and you only take one a day.
5. Get a trim when necessary. I always try to avoid going to get my hair trimmed because I'm trying to grow it out but I'm doing more damage because the split end rises up the hair follicle and so it makes the hairdresser cut more inches off then I would have liked. I usually wait 6 months before getting my hair done but everyone has different hair. If it feels like you need a trim get one.
6. Exercise. This has helped my hair growth (and body) tremendously.
Well I hope this has helped a bit. Hair growth can be a long process and I know it can be frustrating. All you need is time and taking good care of your hair.

Sunday 2 December 2012

What's in my makeup bag?

Hey everyone!
Wow, three posts in a row? I must say, I am proud of myself haha!
Anyways, the new month has just started and I am trying to catch up on the posts that I have been wanting to write.
So this one is about what is in my makeup bag.
As some of you know I am a flight attendant so I travel ALL the time. I am constantly trying to find ways to pack my stuff in a way that won't take up too much room. And this is why I have a vey tiny makeup bag. This bag is what I carry with me all the time when I work. My bag I got at Shoppers Drugmart for about $5 on sale. I love this tiny bag because it expands and I like the silky feeling of it.
Inside I have my:
1. Almay Get up and Grow Mascara
2. E.L.F Eyelid Primer
3. Maybelline Dreamlumi Touch Highlighter + Concealer
4. Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Eyeliner in Nude
5. Physicians Formula Happy Booster in Translucient
6. Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation
7. E.L.F Contouring Blush & Bronzer Duo
8. Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso
9. Maybelline Define a Brow in Dark Brown
10. NYX 10 color eyeshadow palette in Caviar & Bubbles
This is pretty much what is in my makeup bag. I use all of this makeup pretty much everyday. This is my go to makeup bag but when I'm at home I like to change a few things sometimes.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Review: Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss Bordeaux

Hey everyone!
Here's a review on the Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss in Bordeaux.
I purchased this at Walmart for $7.49 cdn. This color is a beautiful dark red/berry color. It is a none sticky formula and I don't find there is a smell to it. The color in the bottle isn't what comes off on your lips. On the lips the color is a bit more berry while in the bottle it's more red with flecks of golden shimmer. The shimmer doesn't show on your lips when you apply this. I was searching for a great winter color and this suits my fair skin tone. It comes with a doefoot applicator but its flat on both sides which kind of bothers me because this makes it harder to apply and since this is a dark color I need to be able to apply this precisely. The first time I applied this I thought it looked patchy but with practice this looks absolutely beautiful.
This is a wonderful color for the winter and I love that this isn't sticky nor does it have a smell. It's a perfect color for the holiday season.

Back to the gym (finally)!

Hey everyone!
I finally came back from my vacation and it was amazing! My boyfriend and I had an amazing time and I believe the trip brought us closer together after everything that has happened over the past few months.
Being on vacation and eating to my hearts content I decided to finally go back to the gym. I've been asking our friends to go and everyone says no so I decided to go back on my own.
I was afraid of going alone but I actually really like it. It feels good to be able to do things on my own and not have to compare myself to my friends. I went twice this week for two and a half hours and my body is hurting so much today. But it's a good hurt. My belly and legs hurt quite a bit and to be honest I'm surprised that I'm hurting so much because I only didn't go to the gym for a month and a half but I guess if I want to keep my body in shape I should go all the time and not skip for a month.
It feels so good to be going back since my eating habits have been getting worse since I have not been working for about a month. I've been really bored at home and I've been eating out way too much lately so this is a good thing.
I need to continue doing this for myself and I know when I drive my boyfriend to work I'll be heading to the gym right after. I wanted to go today but my body aches way too much and I need to let it rest up.
To those of you who don't want to work out or have stopped and need motivation working out is a great way to get away from the world for a bit and to de stress and think of other things. I believe that I should have gone back to the gym as soon as possible after my life flipped upside down and I know that would have helped me out with the stress but I didn't go and that is why I am in so much pain now.
Please, think of your body and your mental health and do this for yourself. You will live a healthier and happier life by going to the gym for a few hours a week.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Much needed vacation

Hey everyone!
So this week I am leaving to go down south. I am so excited! I've been waking up super early because I'm so excited. We're leaving on Monday morning and getting to our destination at around 4pm.
With everything that has been going on with friends and such this is going to be a much needed/deserved vacation.
Our friends were supposed to come with us, now I'm not sure if its a good thing that they aren't coming but I still wish they were. It's still been a bit awkward for a while now but it seems to be getting better. It's one of my friends birthday while we will be gone and they suggested that we wait until we're back before we celebrate her birthday. That made me so happy! Where we are going will be a place where we drink and he will be there so I probably won't be drinking much.
Anyways, it doesn't matter. Ill be soaking in the nice sun, with delicious food and drinks in 48 hours and that's all I need to think about!
I can't wait!!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Review: Revlon Colorstay Foundation in Buff

Hi everyone!!!!!
So! I'm back with a review on the Revlon Colorstay Foundation. I have been meaning to write a review on this for a while but as some of you may know, I have been having issues with friends at home so I haven't had the time to write this. I have other reviews that I need to write before my vacation in a week and I will try to get on that as soon as possible!
Everything has been getting better. I have started to hang out with my friends again and it feels amazing! Last night they came over and we played board games and it was great! Tonight we are going out for Japanese food so I'm pretty excited!
Anyways, lets get to the review!
I have the Revlon Colorstay Foundation in Buff. I am very pale and this suits my skin tone pretty nicely. I know this isn't the lightest shade but I believe this is the third lightest shade.
I have dry skin all year round so I picked this up in normal/dry skin.
If you have oily/combination skin you can also pick this foundation up for that skin type.
This has AMAZING staying power! I sometimes work 13 hour shifts and this baby stays on! It doesn't budge!
I don't have awful skin and I'm very lucky so I've never been one to wear heavy foundation but after hearing so many reviews and raves on YouTube about this I just had to pick up. This makes me skin look flawless. I've never had a foundation that has made me look amazing and this does it.
The only downside I have to say about this is that it is heavy feeling (on me anyways). Also, it is a bit tough to apply because of how fast it dries so you need to move quickly. This also doesn't have a pump which bothers me quite a bit because I'm always wasting or I find I try to use it all up because I don't want to waste it and then I look cakey.
The only thing I have trouble believing is when people claim it's full coverage. I have small acne scars and this doesn't seem to hide them that well. I still need to use concealer and its not like the scars are big and red.
I love this foundation for when I am going somewhere fancy and need to look exceptionally good. I don't wear this to work because being a flight attendant I'm in recycled air all the time and I don't want to have something that is heavy blocking my pores. I want my skin to breathe.
I recommend this foundation to someone who needs and wants full coverage foundation. This does help in reducing the size of your pores and hides your black heads well.
I am very impressed with this foundation and would repurchase this, but probably the whipped version because it apparently caters more to people with dry skin.
I give this a 4/5*

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Review: Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Stain

Hey everyone!
I've been super lazy lately. I haven't been working much, maybe 7-8 days this month. I don't know what has gotten into me. I think the cold rainy weather has gotten to me.
I have, however, been into pinterest lately and I've been cooking a lot more, which is good for my boyfriend.
Anyways, let's get on with the review.
I purchased three of these lip stains in Canada for $8.99 each. I have three colors and they are Charm, Honey, and Cherish.
Charm: It's a light nude color, leaning more beige. This was the second color I got and I was, unfortunately, very disappointed by this one. I find that it comes off very milky on my lips and it does not have much pigmentation or color. I thought this would turn more pink but it comes off as the color you get in the tube. It accentuates the dry skin on my lips and does not leave a stain. This was the one I was looking the most forward to and it failed.
Honey: This was the first one I bought and I'm glad I got this one. It is a great darkish pink that does not come off as dark as in the tube. It leaves a nice, natural, color to your lips and the stain is really nice. It also doesn't accentuate the dryness of my lips. The stain also lasts really long, even when I drink and eat.
Cherished: This color is HOT pink! I was totally blown away by this color when I applied it to my lips. This has the same smooth consistency as the previous color and does not accentuate the dryness. The stain lasts a long time as well, about 6 hours.
Overall I like the minty feeling I get when I apply this. It only lasts about a minute and then fades. There is no smell which is good for some people.
I would recommend these for people who hate re applying products. It leaves a great stain which would last during a night out so you don't have to think about your lips.
Well hope this review helped some of you!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Project 10 Pan : Fail

So, it's been quite a while since I've written on here and I guess it's because I've been working quite a bit and I've been really lazy.
As you know, I started P10P at the beginning on July and I remember being so excited to save money and being able to challenge myself. Unfortunately I ended up buying two Revlon Just Bitten Kissables in Halifax while I was on a layover. I knew I would be able to find them at the store Lawtons because I find that they are the only store (in Canada) that receive products the fastest. We don't have lawtons in Ontario and since I was flying to Halifax I knew I was bound to get them. So I caved and got two.
My lesson: I really don't have good self-control haha! I tried so hard not to get any makeup and I was able to do this for a month but alas my self-control died and I caved.
I am going to the Dominican Republic in November so I need to save up for that! I'm suuuuuper excited! My friends were supposed to come but the cant anymore which is a big bummer because I was so looking forward to going with them.
I am excited to be able to relax and enjoy myself with my boyfriend for a week. We've been to the DR before but we always compare things. So it'll be a great little adventure once again.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Review: Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation

Hey everyone!!
It's been a really dark and gray day today. It's raining and cold. But it's a nice change compared to the blistering heat we've been having here in Toronto.
Anyways I decided to put on some foundation today for a change and I took out my Rimmel Lasting Foundation 25 hour in 103 True Ivory. I haven't worn this since May/June because it's been too hot.
So let's get to the review shall we?
Claims: Naturally Flawless & Hydrating & Lightweight. Transfer resistant, skin feels energized and hydrated all day.
Wear: I've been wearing this foundation for about 6 1/2-7 hours now and my skin does not feel tight or dry. It feels soft and hydrated like the claim says. However, I tend to have oily skin sometimes on my nose and right now it's showing. If I rub my finger across my nose I can see the shininess which is a big no no for me and I'm sure for all girls out there! I did apply powder on when I put on the foundation and I haven't reapplied since because I wanted to see how long this would last without powder. So about 6 hours, which is good in my opinion.
Packaging: I LOVE that this is on a tube! It's great for when I fly because it won't leak and the plastic tube won't break. It's also very hygienic and that's something that most of us look for when we buy foundation. There is 30ml of product which is great if you want to bring this as a carry-on.
Application: I just used my fingers to put this on. It doesn't dry too fast so you have time to put it on properly. After I've applied it on I take a damp sponge and just dab my face just so there isn't any excess foundation.
Coverage: If you have good skin but just have the occasional blemish here and there then this is great for you!! It has light-medium coverage but it hides redness really well. It makes your skin nice and even. If you have very bad acne/acne marks then this would not hide it. You would need something with heavier coverage as this wouldn't provide any.
Verdict: In the end I love this foundation. It hasn't faded yet after six hours the only downside is that my oiliness came through but I expected that. No one has perfect skin and I knew I would have to blot. I am going to start wearing this more often now since it feels like fall is already coming.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather while it lasts.
Take care!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Project 10 Pan: 1 month later.

Hey everyone!
So I have been having a bit of trouble with this project. I haven't bought any makeup all month and I'm really proud of myself for doing this.
I've been using quite a few different products than what's on my list and I've decided to not buy makeup until I use up at least 10 products. It will be all makeup products but it has to be 10.
I find that focusing on just 10 products is too difficult because I've been getting bored with the same looks I've been giving myself.
I will however be repurchasing some things before the project is over, such as my mascara because I only have that one. I have a ton of eyeshadows so I definitely won't be repurchasing any before this is done.
I don't think that I'm cheating, I'm still going to finish 10 products before buying anything new. I don't want to give up on this project especially since I'm going on vacation in November and I want to save my money for the trip.
I will however try to finish up the 10 products I had listed.
Wish me luck!!! :)

Review: Maybelline Baby Lips

Hey everyone!
I've been pretty busy lately and finally I have time to sit down a do a review. As many of you have heard the Maybelline Baby Lips are pretty darn popular. Even with boys surprisingly! I saw one of my male colleagues use it and I was so surprised!
I have 2 of them, cherry me and pink punch. They retail for 3.50$ cdn at Walmart, 4.99$ at well.ca, and 6.50$ at shoppers drug mart. They have SPF 20 which is great when you go out in the sun.
Cherry Me smells exactly like...cherries! It smells so delicious you just want to eat this! The color payoff is also really good. The color is opaque but not too opaque where your lips are crazy red. It has a nice consistency and slides on really nicely.
Pink Punch also smells like fruit punch drinks. I prefer this smell to the cherry only because of preference. The color payoff is nice as well it's more opaque than the cherry me. Its a gorgeous pink that would suit any skin tone.
The packaging is also really adorable. The only thing is that the cover doesn't stay on properly so it can open up in your makeup bag.
This does moisturize very well but I don't think it makes my lips feel like "baby lips". I do have to reapply because I do have dry lips to begin with and I usually just wear these in the plane so it's dryer up there.
I find that my lips do get a tint from these and I like that. The color does rub off when you drink or eat which is normal with most lip products.
In conclusion I love these lip butters. There are quite a few colors, 5 I believe and some of them don't have a color they are just clear. I will repurchase these once I run out. I highly recommend these if you're into nice smelling/cute packaging type of stuff.
Cherry Me is dark red and Pink Punch is bright pink.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Review: ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder

Hey everyone!
So I'm on a layover right now and I am currently doing a face mask and I was thinking to myself "what do I do while I wait for this to dry up?" and I just came up with the idea to do a review on this product.
This has got to be my new favorite product that I've rediscovered in my stash of makeup.
I had gotten this product free with something else that I bought from ELF but I believe the price is $3 Canadian for 8oz of product on the ELF website.
I got this a while ago and I had tried to use this but it seemed do dark and muddy on my pale face that I just threw this into my makeup drawer and didn't look at it again for a while.
But one day I saw one of my favorite makeup gurus Emily Eddington do a review on it and she went on and on about how much she liked it that I pulled it out of my drawer and try to use it again and now I'm in love.
The bronzer is my favorite. I like that it is easily blendable even though there is a little bit of shimmer but that doesn't get transferred to the skin so it's great for contouring.
The blush is a light pink with a hint of golden shimmer in it. I very rarely use the blush part because there is barely any pigment. I am very pale and this does not show up on skin unless I have time to put layer upon layer of blush on my skin, which I don't.
Would I buy this again? Most definitely! I would spend the 3 dollars just for the bronzer. I do have quite a bit left, I haven't hit pan yet but I've made a dent in it so I'm hopping that I get to hit pan soon.
The packaging is also very sturdy and it looks like the Nars packaging and it's very convenient to travel with which is s big plus for me.
I highly recommend this bronzer for any skin types.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

BB Cream: My thoughts

Hey everyone!
I decided to do a review on two BB Creams that I've had for about a year now and it's the Skin 79 Hot Pink BB Cream and the Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream.
Let's first start with the Skin 79 BB Cream. There is only one color option with this brand so if you have a darker skin tone it will be very difficult to use this. I have very pale skin and when I first put this on my skin looked grey. I had done quite a bit of research on this BB Cream so I knew this would happen and that it would oxidize to my skin tone.
The Claims : Whitening, UV Protection SPF25 PA++, Wrinkle Free.
Reality: In the one year that I have been wearing this I have not noticed any whitening of my skin. However I'm still not sure if they mean whitening where your skin gets whiter or if you have acne scars they fade away because that's what I've noticed the most with my skin. I have a few acne scars on my skin and since using this they have reduced, almost disappeared. There is a slight sunscreen smell to this BB Cream but I dont mind it. It takes a lot for me to turn away a product because of smell. I do not have many wrinkles to begin with so I can't judge that it claims to reduce wrinkles.
Final Thoughts: I really enjoy this BB Cream a lot. It does have a thick consistency but that's with all BB Creams. It can be a bit difficult to blend out but it's not impossible to do! With a little time and effort I'm sure you will come to love this BB Cream just like I have.
Next the Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream in No 21. There ate quite a few color options with this BB Cream, I believe there are 5 colors. The shade that I got is perfect for my skin tone. It does though, as I mentioned above, that it looks grey when you first put it on.
The Claims: lightens skin tone, excellent skin cover, prevents skin aging through effective whitening properties, SPF42 PA+++
Reality: So this BB Cream also has the same claims as the Skin 79 one and yet I do not like the BB Cream. The only reason I do not like this BB Cream is because it gets cakey on my face and feels heavier. I've tried so many methods to try to make it feel less cakey and I've finally found one so I'm starting to like this one again. It does the exact same for me as the Skin 79 one so I don't see much of a difference between the two creams. What I do now to apply this cream is I take a tiny pump of it on my finger and rub the cream between my fingers do that it warms up and then I apply. I find that this is the best method because it's a thick consistency.
Final thoughts: This BB Cream is exactly like the other one, it's great if you have darker skin because there are more color options. The packaging is much better than the Skin 79 and a lot more travel friendly. It comes with a little pump while the Skin 79 doesn't. It does have a thicker consistency but it's workable. You just need to find the right application method for you.
Well I hope this was helpful for everyone. I haven't tried the American BB Creams and I am not planning on trying it because I have a feeling that it will be nothing like the Asian ones and I think it's too bad that the American ones are trying so hard to be like Asian ones.
Thank you for your time guys!

Friday 20 July 2012

Embracing your hair!

Hey everyone!
Since its been extremely hot here I feel like I've been very lazy with my hair. I haven't been using heat and I've been throwing it into a ponytail for most days. By not doing anything to my hair I've noticed that it doesn't feel as dry as before.
I have wavy/curly hair that is a bit hard to tame. But since I haven't been straightening my hair I've started to embrace my funky/messy hair. I do get stares sometimes but I've been learning to not let that bother me. Hey, it's my hair not yours!
It has taken me a long time to finally embrace my hair but it's so much healthier now that I haven't been straightening it. Sometimes I will run my iron through it really quickly to unpoof my hair but this doesn't cause too much damage.
My point of this post is that you should embrace your funk/messy/straight/curly hair. There is nothing wrong with being who you are and being proud of it!

Saturday 14 July 2012

Review: L'oreal Visible Lift Serum Inside Foundation

There are a lot of foundations out in the makeup world and this is one of the few that I have probably never seen a review on on YouTube and it makes me sad because this is an amazing foundation!
A few things to know about this foundation: it's a little pricey for drugstore makeup. It runs for 16-18 dollars CDN. It doesn't have the best coverage light/medium. It is the easiest foundation to apply (in my opinion).
This foundation is so easy to apply and has such a lightweight texture that it feels like I'm applying moisturizer. It blends amazingly as well. Like I mentioned though, it really doesn't have great coverage so you will definitely have to put on concealer. I love that I can wear this during the summer without the heavy foundation feeling. I apply this with my fingers and my color is 103 pale.
Even though the price is pretty steep I would definitely repurchase this because it makes my skin look even and it also softens it. The great thing about this foundation is that it does not make me cakey at all!
The bottle is a twist cap so there is no pump which can be a little difficult to work with because the foundation is more of a liquidy type so it runs faster out of the bottle than a thicker foundation.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants light coverage and is looking for an extremely lightweight foundation.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Project 10 pan, 10 days later

So as you may all know I started Project 10 Pan on July 2nd and its already been 10 days since I've started.
Here is a little update on my last 10 days of not buying makeup:
To be honest with you guys, P10P is a lot harder than what it seems believe it or not. The store Zellers is closing down in Canada to be replaced by Target next year and everything in their stores is 10-40% off including makeup. It's been really hard to not buy anything when I walk into the store especially not makeup. I've been good and I have not bought anything (so far) but it seems like there are great deals going on everywhere lately. E.L.F is having a 50% off sale right now and I am super tempted to buy stuff but it's super hard not to!
I never thought it would be so hard to not buy makeup but I really need to stick to my guns and not buy anything.
I wish everyone luck if you do plan on doing your p10p. I haven't really dented anything yet but I'm hoping to hit pan on my cover girl tapestry taupe eyeshadow and my e.l.f bronzer in the blush and bronzer contour set that I have.
Hope everyone is having a great day and taking advantage of the wonderful summer weather we've been having.
Take care and I'll update soon!

Monday 2 July 2012

Going to gym for first time ever!

Hey everyone!
So I've never been the type to exercise and yet I've always had an image issue since I can remember. I am very lucky because I am not a big girl and I have a pretty good metabolism.
But since I stopped dancing 6 years ago I noticed that I've been getting a little belly and it's been driving my crazy and yet I wouldn't do anything about it!
Two weeks ago our friends convinced us to go check out the gym with them. Mind you, they never went to the gym either. We got 3 passes and on the last day we signed up.
I must say, this is probably the best decision I have ever made for my health and my mind. I was starting to feel so bad about myself and I felt very uncomfortable in my own skin. But now that we started going to the gym 3x a week for 2-3 hours I feel so much better about myself!
The gym that I go to has a lot of exercise machines, a pool, hot tub, sauna and even a steam room in the girls and boys washroom!
I can tell that the exercises are working. My body feels stronger, I can run and do the elliptical longer without feeling out of breath. All this in 2 weeks! I can't imagine how I'll feel after a month!
I used to give myself excuses to not go to the gym and I don't know why. Maybe it was because I didn't want to go alone? I don't know. But going in a group is great because we motivate each other to go.
If you are debating going to the gym I highly recommend it! You're body will feel so good, you'll sleep better and have more energy! Stop giving excuses like I used to do and go!!!
I'm 22 years old and I don't want to be sick and frail by the time I'm 60 years old and I'll bet that you don't want to be like that either!!!
Best decision of my life and I thank my friends for that!

Project 10 Pan!

Hey everyone!
I know I haven't posted in a while and finally I decided to do project 10 pan.
As some of you may know, project 10 pan is when you take 10 makeup items and use them until you don't have any makeup left in the pan.
Today I decided to try this because I have quite a bit of makeup that is just sitting in my makeup drawer. I am also on a budget because I want to save up for my trip to Japan in November.
So here are the items that I have decided that I need to use up before I make any other purchases:
1. Almay Get up and Grow mascara. I figure that this won't take too long to use up and it's the only mascara I use so it shouldn't be too hard to use up.
2. Revlon Lipbutter in Strawberry Shortcake. My current favorite lip product so that shouldn't take too long to use up either.
3. L'oreal True Match Powder. I've already hit pan on this and I use it almost daily. Hopefully it won't take too long to use up.
4. TheBalm Balm Shelter. I adore this tinted moisturizer and I use it every day. The reason I put this item on my list is so that I can use it up fast and buy a new one. I had put on my Milani baked blush but that would take forever to use up so I opted for this.
5. Maybelline Dream Lumi Concealer + Highlighter. I use this everyday! I love it!
6. Maybelline Mineral Power Concealer. I love this concealer to hide blemishes and red marks. Unlike the dream lumi I don't use this under my eyes. That's why I had to add this.
7. E.L.F Eyeshadow Primer. I dont have much left and I find this works so much better than my UD Primer Potion.
8. Physicians Formula Eyeliner. I love this eyeliner! My current favorite. I do have quite a bit left.
9. Cover Girl Tapestry Taupe Eyeshadow. I am about to hit pan on this because I always tap my brush in the same place but it's a pretty big pan so this may take a while.
10. E.L.F Contouring Blush & Bronzer Powder. I love the bronzer part and it's pretty much the only thing I use. I am nowhere near the pan but once I hit it I will be very proud of myself!
I know I gave myself quite a bit of a challenge and hopefully I am disciplined enough to not buy any makeup products. I am giving myself 3 months to do this so by the end of September I should be close to done (hopefully).
If anyone does try this I wish you all good luck!

Thursday 14 June 2012

A Flight Attendants Suitcase (packing for 3 days)

I get asked a lot of questions about my job and one of the common questions is what do I bring with me when I'm gone for multiple days. This week I'm only working for 3 days so I'm packing pretty lightly. To be honest I don't pack that much clothes unlike some other flight attendants that I know.
The necessities that I always have with me are: shampoo, body wash, and face cream. It's pretty easy to pack a suitcase. If you roll up your clothes you will have a lot more room to bring more things. I do pack capri's, pants, a shirt and a sweater at all times. Plus I have to have my uniform components at all times. With the airline I work for I have a tote bag as well which has my laptop and books.
In conclusion, it seems like people think we take different things than regular passengers when in fact we have the exact same things on us as does everyone else.

This is the inside of my suitcase. Everything is rolled up so that I can fit more things in it.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

TheBalm Nude 'Tude and Balm Shelter

Hey everyone!
I got my order last week from hautelook.com and I had order thebalm nude 'tude and balm shelter and I am in love! The total came out to 30$ plus shipping. But I've got to say that this is by far the best makeup purchase I have ever made.
First, Nude 'Tude is an amazing neutral palette with a lot of variety. You have your highlights, crease colors, defines, and also your eyeliners. This is a very versatile palette that can be used on different skin tones. You can easily make your smokey eye look for the evening or your neutral everyday look during the day. It is also very pigmented so just take a little on your brush and tap off the excess.
Secondly, Balm Shelter.
This is my HG tinted moisturizer (TM). I have tried quite a few TM's and this is by FAR the best one! It does not cake up on my face unlike Aveeno's and it glides onto your skin beautifully. It gives very light coverage but there's enough coverage that it will hide your redness. You will however need to put on concealer if you have dark spots or under eye circles. Just dab on some powder and you're good to go!
Hope this review was helpful!
Have a wonderful day.
My look of the day was Nude 'Tude using selfish on the eyelid and sophisticated in the crease. I also used sleek as my eyeliner.

Shopping Day!

I went to the mall today and oh boy did I restrain myself! However, I did have to buy a few things that I couldn't resist. First, Victoria Secret is having their semi-annual sale and the bras were 50% off. Obviously I couldn't resist so I got a green one with polka dots on it. Then we walked by Bath and Body Works which also had a semi-annual sale and their candles were 50% off so I got the Sea Island Cotton candle which smells amazing! I really had a great day today and I hope you run to the mall because they are having amazing sales right now!

My pets

So, this will be my second post yay! I've been very nervous to continue on with this blog but I've really wanted to create a good blog and so I'm back.
To resume: I have 4 pets in my tiny apartment. I have 2 cats, a bird , and a guinea pig. Here they are: